Combat minimal residual disease (MRD) to revolutionize leukemia treatment

MIRACLE is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie doctoral network aiming to educate a new generation of researchers optimally equipped to advance and accelerate development of novel therapeutics directed to leukemia MRD, and to progress effective treatments to the clinic. MIRACLE will elucidate the leukemia MRD landscape by integrating the knowledge on mechanisms driving persistence of MRD from different angles, and by the subsequent design of efficient and less toxic, novel targeted combination therapy with increased capacity to induce deep responses in patients. 

Our mission

  • Improve the lives of cancer patients and increase their survival chances by addressing one of the greatest challenges in leukemia treatment; the persistence of therapy-resistant cancer cells, known as minimal residual disease (MRD). 
  • Conduct 10 outstanding research projects
  • Guide 10 talented doctoral candidates to become creative entrepreneurial scientists in the first dedicated MCSA DN about leukemia.

Integrated multi-angle research and training network to eradicate leukemia minimal residual disease. 

The MIRACLE project is an international, multidisciplinary and multisectoral training program consisting of 23 academic and non-academic partners from 8 EU countries (The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, United Kingdom). We aim to train 10 doctoral candidates to become the next generation of entrepreneurial researchers with leading positions in academia and industry. The researchers will be trained to obtain a unique combination of skills in innovative high-tech technologies, advanced data analysis tools and artificial intelligence, organ-on-chip MRD models, and drug and immunotherapy testing, and will come up with innovative ideas to advance future leukemia treatment by integration of several disciplines and data sources. The MIRACLE joint programme will consist of an individual research project and a comprehensive training program including international mobility and intersectoral secondments. 

MIRACLE-Leukemia is a European project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe’s Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Grant Agreement nr. 101167512.

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